Digital Marketing Career Scope & Jobs in India

The rising trend of online buying, online learning and online entertainment has created a new kind of career in India which is known as Digital Marketing.

Digital marketing is one of the most popular, growing and versatile careers in the world. Due to growing online shopping, lockdown and work from home, demand for digital marketing and digital marketing professionals is growing.

What is digital marketing?

Digital marketing is the practice of promoting business online using digital media and various digital marketing techniques such as SEO, Website, Google Ads, SEM, PPC Ads, Video marketing, social media marketing and email marketing.

Let me explain this with a simple example,

While watching YouTube videos you see Ads in video or while searching on Google, you see results with ads and you also receive promotional emails, right? It’s called digital marketing.

In simple terms, instead of calling people or advertising in newspapers or via traditional ways, companies use digital platforms and digital media to promote their goods and services.

Neeraj Yadav

A certified Digital Marketer and Blogger with multiple skills in digital marketing. By sharing my knowledge, experience and tips, I want to empower freshers, students and working professionals to learn essential digital skills and get high paying clients and projects

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